Definition of Radial engine

1. Noun. An internal-combustion engine having cylinders arranged radially around a central crankcase.

Exact synonyms: Rotary Engine
Generic synonyms: Ice, Internal-combustion Engine

Definition of Radial engine

1. Noun. Any of several internal combustion engines that have the cylinders arranged radially around a central crankshaft ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Radial Engine

radial artery
radial asymmetry
radial bearing
radial border of forearm
radial canal
radial clubhand
radial collateral artery
radial collateral ligament
radial collateral ligament of elbow
radial collateral ligament of wrist
radial curve
radial distribution function
radial distribution functions
radial eminence of wrist
radial engine
radial engines
radial flexor muscle of wrist
radial fossa of humerus
radial gate
radial glial cell
radial growth phase
radial head
radial head subluxation
radial immunodiffusion
radial index artery
radial keratotomy
radial nerve
radial notch
radial phenomenon

Literary usage of Radial engine

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Airplane Engine Encyclopedia: An Alphabetically Arranged Compilation of All by Glenn Dale Angle (1921)
"This is an air-cooled three-cylinder radial engine which develops 56.5 hp at a normal speed of 1600 r. Fig. 276. Propeller End of Lawrance Model L-2 Engine. ..."

2. Applied Aerodynamics by Leonard Bairstow (1920)
"It is probable that the cooling losses in a radial engine are less than those in a ... The resistance of cylinders in a radial engine and radiators in a ..."

3. The Airplane Engine by Lionel Simeon Marks (1922)
"In the radial engine (Fig. 136) three or more cylinders, constituting a group, ... A radial engine may consist of more than one group or bank of cylinders, ..."

4. A Handbook on the Steam Engine with Especial Reference to Small and Medium by Hermann Haeder (1893)
"radial engine. Fig. 23.—Inclined Cylinder Engine. Fig. 25.—Four-Cylinder Radial Engine. radial engines.—A modern type, of which there are many varieties. ..."

5. Aeronautical Engines: A Critical Survey of Current Practice with Special by Francis John Kean (1918)
"... cylinders arranged radially about a rotating crankshaft and represents the Anzani aeroplane engine. Fio. 8.—radial engine, Air-cooled ..."

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